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International Day of Happiness 2014

Today ist the International Day of Happiness. Although, in my opinion every day should be a day of happiness, I like the idea of the UN announcing happiness as a global priority. The UN campaign is coordinated by Action for Happiness, a non-profit movement of people from over 140 countries all over the world that want to put the things that matter first.
Join the campaign and share a photo using the hashtag #happinessday via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or Google+. If you’re lucky it will shop up on the official “Wall of Happiness”.

You can also join the Action for Happiness Group. Submit your name and email address and add your pledge (I will try to create more happiness and less unhappiness in the world around me.) and you’re part of the team.


Take action now and start creating more happiness in your life and in other’s people lives. You will see: Doing good fells good!


Have a great Day of Happiness!


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