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Being thankful.

The theme of the Anusara Yoga class I joined earlier today was thankfulness. Of course, as today is Thanksgiving. Anette, our teacher, reminded us of many things we should be thankful for. Moreover, she pointed out that being thankful does not only describe the moment of actually saying “Thank you” to someone. For example when we receiving something. It’s rather an attitude towards life.

There are so many things to be thankful for:
For being healthy, simply for being alive, for having lovely people in one’s live, for having a job we like, for being able to do Yoga, for living in a wonderful body, …

Often, we take things for granted. I do so. But thinking about, it is not natural to breathe reasonably fresh air while living in a big city like Berlin. People in Shanghai or other metropolises can say that about their lives.
It’s not natural to even have time (or money) for enjoying a Yoga class after work. To live in an apartment/house/room where it’s warm and cosy in winter.

Showing gratitude towards others and ourselves will definitively increase happiness in our lives. So go for it: Be thankful. Not only today, but everyday!


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