Follow me on my journey to a happy life

One happy moment a day.

Some time ago I started to write down three happy moments each day. Moments or experiences I was grateful about, things that made me smile or put me in a great mood. This may sound simple, however I found it quite difficult. Maybe I was too picky with my happy moments… remember, it’s the little things that count. Some days, when I grabbed my journal in the evening, I couldn’t think of a happy moment and I resigned. Actually, I stopped that ritual after a few weeks.

Recently I read a blog post by my former boss Jane, a very inspiring and powerful woman. She used to write down three happy moments a day as well for a long time saying that practising giving thanks makes one happier, healthier, observant and self-aware. Now she is trying something new: Having one exquisite moment a day.
It’s not about writing about one exquisite moment. It’s an active practice where you make sure to experience a beautiful moment every day.
What struck me most was this:

… this practice is active – not passive. If no exquisite moment has occurred in your day by 6pm, you still have a chance to create one!

That is so true. Sometimes, happy moments just seem to happen. Sometimes we just have to be more aware to recognize these special moments. And sometimes it’s on us to create a delightful moment ourselves.

Now I’m starting again with this ritual of “daily happy moments”. I received the perfect gift to do so: It’s called “Schöne Tage Box” (Happy Days Box) and it’s a box of 365 cards you can use year after year to write down exquisite moments each day. I like the idea of reading in one year, what had make one particular day so special in the past.


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